Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Caring for Your Pet Guinea Pig

By Cathy Doggins

The guinea pig (also called a Cavy or Cavies) is originally from South America and has been a favorite pet for over 400 years. They can be found in natural habitats in 1 or 2 South American nations including Peru and Brazil. While there are more than 60 breeds, most domestic pet Guinea Pigs are either Peruvian, Abyssinian and English. Each breed has unique traits based on hair length (short or long), The animals may also be differentiated by coloring or rosettes, which are round swirls of hair. Many Guinea Pigs are cross-bred creating for even more color ccmbinations. They eat easy to prepare foods formulated for Guinea Pigs and are the perfect pet for every rodent lover.

Guinea Pigs as Pets

The pet lives a mean of 5 years and make glorious pets. They are delicate non-aggressive creatures that rarely bite. The animals are very social with other Guinea Pigs. They will make some noise, although not so loud as to be an issue. Cavies don't leap or jump, so no cage lids or tops are needed.

Cages and Bedding

Any enclosure must be about 4 feet x 4 feet. The animals can be untidy since they like to shred any bedding material. Bedding can be shredded newspaper or recycled paper. Cage walls should be at least 10 inches high. The cage should be cleaned everyday since the animals frequently urinate and defecate.

Supplements and Feeding

Guinea pigs are easy to care for and require an easy to prepare and maintain diet. The most basic accessory is a sipper water bottle fastened to the side of the cage. Water should be supplied each day and the bottle should be washed every 7 days. Vitamin C enriched Timothy Food pellets formulated for Cavies should be provided. Also purchase green, not brown or tan, Timothy, grass or oat hay. Avoid Alfalfa since it contains too much calcium. Also provide your Cavy a small portion of green vegetables.

As soon as you bring a Guinea Pig home, get him or her used to eating a variety of foods. The patterns you set while they're young will stay the same for the lifetime of the pet. It is difficult to introduce new foods later in life. Recommended veggies that are full of the required vitamin c incude:

- Turnip greens
- ,Mustard greens
- Dandelion greens
- Kale
- Brussell sprouts

Fruits are only to be used as treats. Fruits like grapes, apples and orange slices (one per day for vitamin c is ok) can be provided. Fruit shouldn't comprise more than 5% of a Guinea Pig's diet. Cavies require 10-30 mg of vitamin C daily. There are tablets available for sale that may be sprinkled onto fresh veggies. Don't add a vitamin c supplement to water since the value of the supplement reduces after adding it to water.

Health Care

Like cats and dogs, cavies should be examined by a Vet each year. Catching illnesses early is key to helping your pet live a long and healthy life.

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Eating Guinea Pig in Peru

By Jonny Blair

On selected Friday's, Don't Stop Living brings you a featured food. This series of Friday's Featured Foods will be chosen at random from the countless dishes, meals and snacks I have tried as a global traveller. First up, I head back to my time in Peru and the day I tried Guinea Pig, known locally as Cui.

I had just finished the epic Inca Trail, which came to a stunning climax in the lost Inca City of Machu Picchu so spirits were high and I was just in awe of the amazing Sacred Valley in Peru. After the Inca Trail came to a close in Machu Picchu, we had been invited for lunch by our tour guide. We had agreed to meet in Chaski Restaurant in Aguas Calientes, PERU at 3 pm. I was hungry and wanted something local. PLUS, it was Christmas Day!!

When I was a kid Christmas Dinner was always a special meal in our calendar. I headed to church in Aguas Calientes first as it was always a tradition to go to church at Christmas. After that I headed over to the Chaski Restaurant in Aguas Calientes for my Christmas Dinner! Peruvian style!

I had never eaten Guinea Pig in my life so I was looking immensely forward to it. Apparently Ecuador and Peru are the main places you can eat guinea pig - somewhat a delicacy. I love trying new food, but if I don't like it, to be honest I don't always finish it!

The Guinea Pig menu came with a choice of two - roasted (which came with potatoes, cheese, salad) or stewed (which came with rice, potatoes and peanut sauce). They were both the same price - 55Soles so I went for the Roasted Option. As a kid I had always had a roasted turkey meal for Christmas so it was time to try roasted Guinea Pig.
The entire Guinea Pig was on the plate, as you can see head and all! It was a cheers all round for our big group of Inca Trail survivors as we ate and drank to our hearts content!

So, what you really want to know is was the roasted Guinea Pig it any good? Is it worth trying? As a traveller and a lover of the phrase "I'll try anything once" then I have to say Yes! Go to Peru and try the Roasted Guinea Pig. It was well cooked, a bit roasted and I would say similar to chicken.

You do have to pick at the bones and search hard for genuine large lumps of meat, but definitely worth trying once, especially the effort that was put into making it and the aroma from it. Having eaten as much of it as I could, it was time for a few Christmas Day beers to toast to the success of having completed the 4 Day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. My advice - try Roasted Guinea Pig!! Known as Cuy! You might never get the chance again. Don't Stop Living!

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Tips to Bringing Your Guinea Pigs Home

By David Emery

The First Few Days

The first 3-4 days you bring your guinea pig home, it can be very tempting to pick them up and cuddle with them. However, they're in a new area - and very scary area - and they need time to get used to that.

Let the first few days they are home to be for exploring their cage in a quiet environment free from stress or loud noises, both of which will scare the guinea pig.

Important Note:

You need to ensure that when you bring one or more guinea pigs into the house that they have a good area to hide - each guinea pig needs his or her own place, too, or a fight could break out!

Don't Hover!

Notice everyone in the family hovering around the cage? Watching the guinea pigs every move? Although cute and interesting, doing this is definitely going to scare the little guys!

This makes your pet think that an eagle is swooping down to attack, and causes him to be very scared. Instead, when you want to observe your pet, kneel down to eye level with the cage. This will allow him to see you as more of a friend, and less of a foe.

Bribing Your Guinea Pig

One of the most effective ways of getting a guinea pig to trust you is with bribery. How is it possible to bribe an animal like a guinea pig you ask? With food of course!

Bribing a guinea pig, who usually have great appetites, with treats is ideal for showing them that you are there to help and not harm them.

How to Bribe Your Guinea Pig

It isn't hard to bribe your guinea pig with treats so they'll trust you.

To start, show you guinea pig what you have for them and leave it at the open door of their cage. Wait near the cage quietly with your hands sitting in your lap.

If, after a few minutes, the guinea pig hasn't taken the bait, slowly take the treat, shut the door to the cage and leave the room. By doing this several times a day they will eventually get the idea that they're supposed to come and take the treat.

Each and every time he or she comes closer to the treat, you too should move closer to the cage, allowing them enough time to get used to you being there.

Before long, your pet will eventually take the treat from you, but probably with plenty of trepidation in the beginning. However, with even more patience on your part your guinea pig will be nibbling treats right from you hand without any fear at all and even become happy and excited when they see you.

How to Pick Up a Guinea Pig

Forget using treats to pick up your guinea pig as you won't want to damage the bond of trust you've taken so long to build.

Start by slowly and gently petting and stroking the guinea pig, letting them see you aren't a predator but instead their friend and new family member.

Holding Your Guinea Pig

Always use great care when holding a guinea pig! Their bodies are delicately shaped and lung damage is a possibility if they are held too tightly.

Gently cup the torso of your guinea pig, and support the rear as you lift up. Don't hold them too hard, and instead carry them gently, ensuring that you're supporting their entire body well.

Remember to carry them with care, and small children should always hold their guinea pigs with great supervision - because of their small bone structure, they can be easily injured if dropped.

Keeping Your Guinea Pig Relaxed

Don't you just love the idea of sitting on your couch, petting your guinea pig in your lap, and reading the paper or watching the news? It's a great idea, but in practice, it takes a while.

Using a treat while sitting in a quiet room, handle your guinea pig gently, petting their fur and talking very softly to them and see if they'll sit nicely in your lap while nibbling their treat.

If you're patient, he will, and eventually he's going to love being handled by you, and actually request it by squealing when he sees you coming near.

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